Sustainable Tourism and Local Community Development
1 year Post-graduate Course in the Lofoten Islands, Norway

Tourism and Local Community Development
- theory (30 ECTS credits)
- practical projects (30 ECTS credits)

The course of study deals with topics concerning the philosophy of sustainable development, particularly with regard to the development of tourism, local communities and destinations. Concepts and topics such as understanding nature and culture, and traditions and identity, will be of primary importance. Focus will be placed on the ecological, ethical, legal and political basis for the utilization of natural and cultural resources within the fields of tourism and local community development.

The subject entitled Local Communities, Nature and Culture/History, will involve the assessment of local resources in the light of tourism and the fisheries.

Developing Local Communities and Destinations, which also includes issues regarding sustainable development, will constitute the largest section of the course.

Marketing and e-Commerce deals with topics such as marketing channels and relational marketing, e-commerce and marketing on the internet.

The subject referred to as Method, will be of particular importance to student project work.

Theoretical components will be closely linked to student project work which will in turn be carried out in close collaboration with fellow students, local tourism businesses, local authorities, lecturers and the course administration.

Course Work
In between sessions, students will be required to do written work on the theoretical components, to summarize them and relate them to their practical projects. In collaboration with fellow students, and by way of active participation from local tourist businesses, students will be required to discuss issues and formulate solutions and initiatives on an empirical/theoretical basis. (Learning/researching by doing: empiricism -theory-action).

An important part of the process of study will involve the use of alternative sources of information and know-how. Students will, amongst other things, be encouraged to adopt a listen-and-learn approach to the local community and local interests. In addition to lectures, course content will be built up on a practical basis using experience gained from excursions and with local communities as case studies. Several methods of study will be employed and the use of information and communication technology and the internet will be of major importance.

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LTE - Lofoten College of Tourism Management. (Reiselivsskolen i Lofoten),
N-8392 Sørvågen. Tel. 76 09 15 55 E-mail: